CLI v1.6.5 - Fixed groups, improved configuration

Fixed bug in upload groups

Sorry, guys, we made a mistake in the group evaluation, causing the upload to stop working for some of our users.

It’s fixed in version 1.6.5.

Improved configuration

We’ve improved the configuration file processing adding support for string representation for booleans and integers on all platforms.

It’s now possible to specify booleans like this:

  "upload": {
    "importAsNew": "false"

It’s very useful for newly supported Highly Dynamic Configurations.

New “none” value for the deprecate option

We’ve added a new none option for the deprecate allowing to explicitly disable deprecation. It’s important for dynamic configurations.

With configuration:

  "upload": {
    "deprecate": "${deprecate}"

it’s possible to call CLI to select the deprecation mode dynamically:

localazy upload -p deprecate:project
localazy upload -p deprecate:file
localazy upload -p deprecate:none