Tags: Rollback latest to previous version (tag)

i created a tag named “production” that contains a stable version of my keys and translations, then i made some modifications in the plateforme that applies to the tag “latest” (default tag), now i want to rollback and reset these modifcations and copy the “production” state to the “latest”.
I tried :

  • localazy tag promote production latest
  • localazy tag merge production latest latest
    => Tag with name latest cannot be created.

Maybe i can use another tag called “staging” but i think the plateforme shows always keys from the default tag “latest”.
How can i do so please ?


your mind process is accurate, but the special role of the latest tag won’t allow you to do that.

I think the best way would be to download the production tag locally and then upload everything, including translations, back to Localazy via CLI and set forceCurrent to force all the uploaded translations as current version.

That way the latest tag will be the same approved versions as the production tag. The only downside is that this will create a new version in each string’s version history, but that doesn’t effect anything in the else.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Thank you @dan for your help, good idea and i appreciate your detailed solution