Let’s say I have an application with English source language and it is already translated to Slovak language. I have found a translator who can translate it into Czech language, but he does not speak English - he only speaks Slovak language. He cannot, right? Because on Localazy, translators always see source language. (English in my case)
This seems to be a pretty big problem because if you are looking for a translator, you always need to make sure he speaks your source language.
To fix this problem, I need to give the translator option to choose source language before he starts translating. For the whole duration of his translating session, he would see phrases that needs to be translated in language he has chosen. For example, my translator joins Localazy, choose “Czech” as a language he wants to define translation for, but also specify “Slovak” as a source language. Now he simply goes to translator interface but source phrases are always in Slovak language, so he does not need to speak English.