Is it possible to restrict deprecateMissing for a single file?

We translate three platforms (iOS, Android and web). When I remove one key on the web (en.json), it remains on the localazy server after upload and is created again during download. If I set “deprecateMissing”: true in the localazy.json file (web) all keys for the other platforms are set as deprecated. Is it possible to restrict deprecatedMissing to only one file so that only the one removed key is marked as deprecated?

Hello, Milos,

at the moment, it’s not possible.

The best solution would be to have more projects - one for Android, one for iOS, and one for the web.

You can connect them using the Connected Apps feature to transfer translations between them (if they share some).

Would it be suitable for you?

Thank you for your quick reply. It’s a pity, but a multi-project solution is OK for us. Hopefully in the future this will be possible.

We will add this option soon.

This option is now available.

The old deprecateMissing option is now deprecated :slight_smile:

The new option is deprecate and there are two possible values:

  • file - deprecate keys only in touched files
  • project - deprecate keys in the whole project

Read more here: Upload Reference – Localazy

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