Interview with TEO CODING, author of Birthday Reminder App

In this article, you will find out some behind the curtain information. Feel free to brew your cup of hot drink and read an inspirational story of TEO CODING, an author of Birthday Reminder App.

Where the idea comes from for your Birthday Reminder mobile app?

I got the idea after another birthday app made me look bad because it didn’t remind me of a friend’s birthday. At that time, I had started to approach the world of programming. After seeing a couple of online courses, I started working on it with the many difficulties of the case. Including notifications that are a problem on Android systems modified by manufacturers due to the limitations in the background process, paradoxically on $ 50 phones, works very well. Then slowly, I tried to make it more complete for everything related to birthdays: greeting phrases, birthday cards and gifts.

Note from Localazy: Cheap devices usually come with almost clean Android which doesn’t limit background processes. Big vendors (Samsung, Huawei, etc.) add another level of protection of users often leading to limiting background processes and other features.

Find out more why smartphones are turning back into dumbphones at Don’t kill my app! website.

What are your goals with your app?

Improving my skills in programming and publishing apps from a practical point of view and a romantic point of view. Knowing that the public appreciates and uses something created by you is truly exciting, I still remember the emotion of when I published the app on Google Play.


Can you share your tech stack with us?

Do you use Java, Kotlin or something else?

I program in Java because when I started, it was the language with the most resources available online, but I hope to have time to move to Kotlin, I think it will be the future of mobile app development.

Do you use Firebase or similar services?

I use Firebase only; maybe I will try Flurry.

Would you recommend some cool libraries to your fellow developers?

I recommend Android Image Cropper, I think it saved me a lot of work.

How many users do you have?

I currently have about 3300 / 3400 active users.

That is quite a success for a beginning developer don’t you think? I can imagine you have helped out with hundreds of embarrassing moments so far, and you have already an ambitious plan to help your users with all about birthdays. How about other anniversaries? Do you think your app logics could be used for other events as well, with some changes?

Birthday Reminder includes an additional field for anniversaries, and it is designed to save a second important date (for example, in Italy we consider name days important).


Why do you want to translate your app to other languages?

Do you think it could bring you more users? Or you want to improve the user experience? Are your users actively asking for translation?

Both, I tried to make Birthday Reminder as comfortable as possible for users regardless of what their language was, for example, the different types of date format and the variety of birthday cards.

How did you find Localazy, and why do you think it is the right fit for your app localization?

I found you looking for a cheap way to translate my app on Google. I hope you do for me. I like your enthusiasm.

How had you been maintaining multilingual support before you’ve opted for Localazy?

I wrote the app in English, then translated it into Italian by myself, I purchased a translation, and for the others, I used Google Translate.

Where are you from?

I am from Italy.

What apps do you use yourself if you do not mind sharing?

I use many news and organization apps like calendar and reminders. I try to change many of them to understand the logic and what can be improved. Now and then I like to edit some photos, but I’m a beginner. I also often use YouTube for information and learning purposes.

What do you do when you do not work on Birthday Reminder?

I prefer to visit the gym and going out with friends.

I’m also trying to learn in this field. I have to say that the optimized ASO description was a good investment.

Is your app Birthday Reminder just a hobby or is it able to pay for its costs?

Birthday Reminder does not pay its costs. I hope that programming can become my main job in the future.

That is merely fabulous how a problem can turn into a new career. Are you looking for job opportunities in mobile app development then? Do you know what you would love to work on? Feel free to describe your ambitions.

I’m not looking for a job as a developer right now, I see programming as a long-term project where you can improve day after day by studying and practising until the right idea or opportunity arrives.

Do you have any other projects you would like to mention?

I’m working on a calendar, but I don’t have much time.

What is the single most crucial benefit which may be the only reason to choose your app?

Birthday Reminder is simple to use and (almost) complete to celebrate birthdays and beyond. Make your friends feel on their birthday the way you would like to feel.

Where people can get in touch with you?

Generally, users contact me via the app’s support email. Also, there are Facebook, Instagram and the Youtube channel of the app. Yesterday I put online the new site of the app. In the coming days, I will add two more sections: a section already present in the app regarding notifications and operations to be performed in the Android settings menu to receive them correctly; another with gift ideas based on various interests in case you get stuck at the last minute.

Get in touch with TEO CODING

Would you love to help TEO CODING with the translation of his app Birthday Reminder: Calendar Bday Alarm? You can now become a translator, or you can send Teo a small donation to help make his app better.

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