Hundred million translations: 2021 in review

πŸ•ΉοΈ 50+ new integrations

You could have integrated Localazy only with Android apps in the early days. During the past year, we worked hard to support more platforms. Now we have over 50 integrations with various frameworks and file formats to help you integrate with your projects' tech stack, and mostly without quirky workarounds.

Localazy allows you to choose from a variety of approaches.

  • For mobile, you have powerful SDKs for Android and iOS.
  • For translations kept in a database, you can connect your project via the brand new localization API and integrate almost anything you would like.
  • There is also the powerful CLI with the extensive support of formats, commands, and automation options for most developers.
  • Designers can enjoy design localization with the Figma plugin,
  • and for everyone else, we have also added the direct file import option.

Most popular integrations

Probably because it was first, Android wins 2021 as the most popular integration with 23.6% of total integrations. In the second place is JSON, the favorite universal format for software localization, closely followed by React, iOS, and other web front-end frameworks.

Most popular integrations with Localazy in 2021

Custom integrations

Even though we were adding new integrations every month in the past year, the world of software development and localization is expanding faster than we can even fathom. For this purpose, we are opening our development API for selected users to create their own custom integrations.

Please read our community documentation or contact us to learn more.

How to create a custom integration as a Localazy partner

πŸͺ“ 10.000+ tasks worked on

We have to admit: we just love our productivity tool. According to our ClickUp, we have collectively worked on more than 10.000 tasks in the past year! Kudos to ClickUp for making our workflows streamlined and keeping us on track.

Who was the most productive team member? Our CEO, VΓ‘clav, was crushing it in the past year with a whopping 3.857 tasks - that's what I call leading by example!

Meet our CEO VΓ‘clav - the king of ClickUp at Localazy! πŸ˜…

But don't worry, we are not blazing through our to-do lists without any struggles because we have completed "only" two thousand tasks total. This means that big plans are still in the works!

⚑ 6 Release Updates and over 2.500 commits

We release small updates and fixes whenever needed. But on average, every two months, we roll out a big update that introduces new features or big changes. In 2021, we had sent out 6 Release Updates and introduced most of our advanced features such as Context Screenshots, Release Tags, or Additional MT Engines.

New features released every two months? Not bad!

All of these were made possible thanks to our development team, who managed to produce over 2.500 commits into the GitHub code repository in 2021, led by our product manager Jan.

Check out our public GitHub with libraries, demos and extensions that will help you incorporate Localazy into your project.

πŸŽ‰ 100.000.000 managed translations!

This number is totally mind-blowing. In early December, the total number of managed translations exceeded the magical hundred-million milestone!

We want to thank all users who use Localazy to manage their translations. Keep it up, so we can reach two hundred million by the end of 2022! Let's go! πŸš€ Β 

Most popular languages

Most projects use English as the source language, and the three most popular languages are: Β 

  1. β›΅ Spanish
  2. πŸŒ… Arabic
  3. πŸ₯– French

Spanish is the most popular language for translation, in the lead with almost 19%. Arabic is a close second with 17.6%. French is third, closely followed by American English and German. Below, you can find the list of top runner-ups.

Most popular languages at Localazy in 2021

One million translation events

Over one million translations delivered in 2021 thanks to Localazy

According to our Mixpanel tracking, our users collectively managed to translate or review over one million translations. These are real people putting work into the localization of real products. Join our amazing community and help with the translation of public projects or create your own project! ❀️

Read our review of Mixpanel for product analytics

Continuous Localization Team

In 2021, we also introduced our continuous translation services called Virtual Translator and Virtual Reviewer, which helped users review translations, ensuring that context, placeholders, and glossary terms were translated correctly.

Enjoy our Continuous Localization services and get your project translated automatically.

Today, our Continuous Localization Team offers three types of translation services and more than 50 languages available for professional translations (and growing!) to help numerous companies completely outsource their multilingual expansion.

Learn more about Continuous Localization with Localazy

🌎 Trusted by international brands

In 2021, we also made friends with lovely folks at many awesome global brands such as:

  • 🧰 Upchain PLM, who got acquired by Autodesk in 2021, congratulations!
  • 🚴 Rouvy who make cycling an all-year adventure via their unique technology
  • ♻️ PlasticBank, who clean plastic waste and create a better planet for all of us.
  • And more...
Read interviews with Localazy users sharing their journey

Many more prominent names use Localazy to deliver translated products to billions of end-users worldwide. We are glad that Localazy can be a small part of their success. Thank you! πŸ’–

See the testimonials by our beloved users.

Awards by Crozdesk, SourceForge, and more

In 2021 we also received awards for being one of the top-rated solutions on the market.

🀩 More fun facts and numbers

We welcomed four new full-time team members in 2021. Thanks to everyone for their hard work! We also grew our network of guest authors on the blog, with more content to come.

We handled over 700 support conversations with a πŸ₯° 99% satisfaction rating! We are here to help, so don't hesitate to send us a question or request a consultation at any time. πŸ˜‰

During the last year, over 60.000 users registered πŸ™Œ; most of them are contributors and volunteers who help their beloved apps and projects with translations to their native language. Right now, we are over 3.000 translation projects and counting, each with 🎌 seven languages on average.

We became a Bitrise partner and got our own Verified Step! Read our articles about using Localazy with Bitrise on the blog.

βœ”οΈ Conclusion

We want to thank everyone who helped grow Localazy. Especially our partners at Lighthouse Ventures, who helped us tremendously accelerate our growth and trusted us from day one when Localazy was just entering the market of localization solutions.

Big thanks also go to our users on our Discord and Discussion Forum, who provide continuous feedback on new features and report every little bug they find.

A big thank-you also goes to everyone involved in development and content production. And last but not least, thank you to all who use Localazy! πŸ₯°

We wish everyone a successful and calm year 2022. Thank you for reading!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Hundred million :heart: to this article

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Thanks for being part of it @BeastByte!

Me too @BeastByte, thanks for being a part of Localazy!