It would be a time saver to be able to filter the list of translations by translator name. Or give us some way to separate the automatic/suggested translations from the human translations.
Great Idea!
It’s very important that a project leader can differentiates between humans and machines. vs
Hello John, thank you for your suggestion!
Can you elaborate what are you after exactly? If you only need to see translations provided by a specific user, you can navigate to Contributors → Click on a contributor. There you’ll see his/hers translations (including rejected)
Or do you need to achieve sth else?
Hi Dan, while your suggested method works, it is a little awkward. When I click one of the translations in the list to edit then click Save, I am not returned to the list of translations for that particular user but rather the list of all the translations. It would save a lot of clicking if I was returned to the original list. Or if I could filter the list of all translations to just show those that were done by people (vs automatic) that are waiting for review. I don’t want to review translations that were done by machine because I have much more confidence in the accuracy if the native speaker reviews it first.
Alright, understood now. Thanks for your feedback! This is definitely something that should be improved.