Disable errorOnFailureDebug not working

Hey guys!

Using the localazy android gradle plugin in my project v2.0.2 and when I’m offline, though I have set the

download {
    errorOnFailureDebug false

my build still fails:

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ‘:app:localazyDownloadStringsDebug’.
    Localazy: Unexpected exception occurred while downloading data from Localazy servers.

Maybe i’m missing something on the configuration ? To do the test I simply disable my laptop wifi.

Thanks in advance.


After looking at the code, it seems that the exception UnknownHostException is not caught by the boolean logic

} catch (Exception e) {
            if (r0 instanceof IllegalStateException) {
                DownloadExtension downloadExtension3 = this.downloadExtension;
                if (downloadExtension3 == null) {
                    downloadExtension3 = null;
                if (!downloadExtension3.getErrorOnFailureRelease() || this.isDebuggable) {
                    DownloadExtension downloadExtension4 = this.downloadExtension;
                    if (downloadExtension4 == null) {
                        downloadExtension4 = null;
                    if (!downloadExtension4.getErrorOnFailureDebug() || !this.isDebuggable) {
                throw e;
            throw new RuntimeException("Localazy: Unexpected exception occurred while downloading data from Localazy servers.", e);

Can you provide a v2.0.3 that fixes the issue ? Something like

if (r0 instanceof IllegalStateException || r0 instanceof UnknownHostException) {

Thanks in advance guys!


thanks for the hint on how to fix it.

The issue is being addressed in 2.0.3.