Crowdsource translations for your Android app with Localazy Card library

Yes, it works! And to make it even easier for you, you can use a simple library in your project to invite your users to help you with app translation using Localazy.

🗂️ Localazy Card library for Android apps

Use Localazy Card library for Android by Danijel Markov to facilitate crowdsourced app translations using UI integration to attract users to localize your apps. The Localazy® card offers a nice invitation message to help an app developer improve the UX of the app by providing proper and relevant app translation, vital to correct localization.

Localazy card allows instant access to the main translation page on Localazy and changes the app default language no matter which one is set as the default on the device. Allowing users to switch the language is essential. Just because a device is set to one language does not mean that users prefer it.

Read an article on why it’s a good idea to allow users to switch languages independently on system language.

❤️ Localazy Android Card Features

Users can invite people to translate your app

Every user of your app can share the link to help with translations.


Allow users to translate your app

Allow your users to translate your app to their language easily. Pressing a translate button will send them to the translation page of the app, where they can enjoy a simple, mobile-friendly translation workbench to help you translate the app directly from their phone.


Allow users to switch the language of your app

This option lets you change the default application language with any of the defined languages. Changing application language can help both users and developers.

Here is an example for both cases:

  • as a developer, you can quickly check how the particular language looks in your app without changing the device’s language.
  • As a user, you can set any supported language no matter if your device supports it. Also, some users prefer keeping an app in English while using another on the device itself, and vice versa.


This is an example language switcher you can find in Localazy ![](upload://7BBDRMxBbSmNSza9xSoFEvGYx4B.png)

đź’Ž Make sure crowdsourced translations are correct

It just happens that some users do not translate strings correctly. Some even tend to spoil the translation efforts. Because we’ve been there as app owners, we have prepared two ways to keep control of the contributions in your hands.

First and foremost, there is a robust review process in the place where you can take full control over the changes and approve only correct translations. Second, we do realize it takes a lot of time to review new translations. To save your time and allow you to do what you really love and not waste your precious time reviewing the translations, you can configure the Virtual Reviewer service that will do it for you.

Set up Virtual Reviewer

The Virtual Reviewer works in your favor by automatically and pro-actively reviewing translated strings. As long as you have the Virtual Reviewer active, you don’t have to worry about reviewing crowdsourced translations.

The Virtual Reviewer is a service provided by the Continuous Localization Team. The pricing is transparent and usage-based. You can set up the Virtual Reviewer per app and per language separately. On top of reviewing crowdsourced translations, you can also order human-assisted machine translation (Virtual Translator) or professional translations when you need them.

Because it is a service provided by humans, you won’t get your app translated or reviewed instantly, as the quality of translations is our priority. Still, we usually manage to deliver within a few business days.

Focus on what’s important and enjoy localization on autopilot with the Localazy Continuous Localization Team. Learn more in the documentation or contact us if you have further questions specific to your needs.

đź’Ş Get the library

Unlock the full potential of Localazy Card Library and Virtual Reviewer combo and translate your app faster:

  1. Get the Localazy Card library at GitHub to improve UX and crowdsource translation
  2. Set up Virtual Reviewer to outsource translation review to Localazy

Get the library:

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