CLI 2.0.5 crashes during upload due to incorrectly escaped RegEx

I have the following upload task defined in upload.files:

  "path": "email-worker",
  "file": "email-worker.json",
  "type": "json",
  "lang": "${autodetectLang}",
  "pattern": "email-worker/src/translations/locales/*.json",
  "excludes": ["email-worker/src/translations/locales/en.json"]

When running localazy upload I get the following error:

Localazy CLI, v2.0.5
Command-line tool for the Localazy platform.

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SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^email\-worker/src/translations/locales/en\.json$/gu: Invalid escape

It looks like the resulting RegEx is incorrectly escaped, causing a crash. Not sure what spec is being used, but generally hyphens should not be escaped outside of character classes (like how it’s escaping email\-worker in the error above).

This does not happen on CLI v1.7.15.